Test phase components | Description |
Test summary by application | This graph summarizes tests performed on all configured apps based on the selection chosen. This choice might be based on the number of failed, passed, or skipped tests. |
Top 5 technical services with less coverage | This graph depicts the top five technical services with the least coverage during the previous seven days. |
Overall test status | The Overall test status graph represents the number of tests passed, failed, and skipped over the selected timeframe, and the data status is described as follows:
By hovering over the graph, the following data is presented for each test status:
The Overall test status widget presents two axes that indicate the Test within a specified time frame in which Passed, Failed, and Skipped tests occurred:
You can switch between the overall test statuses graph and bar chart by selecting the donut chart icon or the bar graph icon. |
Test type status | The Test Type Status widget is a graph showing Unit tests . The widgets display the total numbers for each of the following:
When Unit tests, Functional tests, or Other tests are checked or unchecked, the Overall test status widget will automatically be updated based on the new parameters. |
Top 5 technical services with code smells/bugs | Based on a 7-day sample, this graph depicts the top 5 technical services with the most code smells/bugs. Code Smells are the default selection; using the drop-down menu, you can view the Bugs . |